Building the Case for Integrating Resellers into eCommerce

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]The retail landscape is rapidly transforming, with new retail stores slowing in growth many brands have to find new ways to reach their sales targets without upsetting traditional established channels. For many brands this means venturing into eCommerce which is the fastest growing sales channel available at 15% year over year growth. A retail revival is happening and this is the age of the consumer where convenient ways to purchase are becoming more common to win over customers. The lines between online and offline are also blurring and as a result consumers are bringing increased expectations to every aspect of retail and requires new tools to manage this growth.

In this ShipEarly whitepaper, we explore the rationale as to why you want to consider an onmi-channel sales strategy, how this strategy will deliver on customer expectations and finally how ShipEarly enables manufacturers to offer these customer experiences to compete – and win – in this changing landscape.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][divider visibility=”hidden” xs_height=”24″ sm_height=”24″ md_height=”24″ lg_height=”24″]
